Hi folks, after another time we see around here, this time I will limit myself to show something of what I'm doing:
Well as you can see these are some of the logos that appear on the Companies in this story I am creating streaks, there are many companies and corporations, so I had to put me try to design some logos
these would be the first images of gamers hise that actually are not just for the principle but it is a flashback that has more or less a bit of what happened before the whole story comiensa was something like a test to see how it actually going to go paint and things like putting the dialogues that unlike what I always do this story has a lot of dialogue
this is finished but still not aver thy name if I think something or someone pulls some idea
and this is a sketch but it will fianl combertir in a design because I liked drawing as more and more every time I think locks out most accomplished, that's all for Now we're seeing people: D