What is a head of state
"A head of state is not a person, is an institution, has no will. I learned that in power. "
Lula DaSilva, president of Brazil
Friday, December 31, 2010
Difference Of Urine Analyisis And Culture
Yes competition or charisma? The metepatas
" The competition moves charisma "
Alexander Stille, author of" The sack of Rome. "
" The competition moves charisma "
Alexander Stille, author of" The sack of Rome. "
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Carhartt Versus Walls Coveralls
in a few days left the crowded little Toulouse, Toulouse instead of intimate evenings (which had little or no sound). which leads us to something that is public domain: Moving stressed. much. But you do know
which is the real stress of a move?
yes, I know, I come here to be the clear, this blog is a forum of wisdom
you move the kid is that you spend two months eating horrible pizza, pies fourth, a loaf of shit for a couple of weeks and will take 3 months more to make you get used to the carnage and to tell you: it does not, take the vacuum that this glorious
everything has a process time to find places to do things as we like
is terrible this happen to you!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Less Busy Dmv In Los Angeles
Prince Felipe Edinburgh, husband of Elizabeth of England, is retiring after 90 years of the madding crowd. Published "The Country" at the end of November some of his gaffes come to put them here and I have remembered some of the Esperanza Aguirre took when he was minister of culture, including Sara Mago, great writer.
- In 1947 he asked a railway worker on their chances of promotion, and this he replied: "Oh, my boss would have to die", to which he replied: "Just what happens to me" .
- In China, 1986, told British students with whom he met: "If they stay here longer end up with slanted eyes."
- A few Englishmen who roamed New Guinea were welcomed by the Prince in 1998: "They've managed not to be eaten."
- During a reception at Buckingham Palace, the queen's husband said: "When a man opens the car door for a lady, or have new car or new woman."
- At a party organized in London by the office of the Commonwealth, Duke of Edinburgh went to a black guest and asked, "What exotic place in the world are you from?". The party, which turned out to be Lord Taylor of Warwick, replied: "I'm from Birmingham (central England city)."
- When the marriage Obama visited London last year and was received by the Queen, Prince broke into the conversation to tell his guests: "Surely they are struggling to stay awake!". The U.S. president replied that he had met that day and in London with the then prime minister, Gordon Brown, who led the opposition David Cameron, and also with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev. "Is that you can distinguish them from each other?" He asked then.
- (And this is great) One of their recent trips was during the Pope's visit to Scotland's Holyrood Palace. Seeing that the Scottish Labour Party leader wore a tie with the pattern typical of the area, asked the Tory leader, Annabel Goldie, "And you also wear panties made of this?". The president, very embarrassed by the "uncomfortable questions", replied with great skill the prince: "I can not comment. And if you take them, I could not teach in any way."
to me the truth, I think a man with a sense of humor who does not understand.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Inova Replace Batteries
human political discourse
Speech Cantinflas 40 years ago, supposedly to the Organization United Nations, in a film in which he played the role of ambassador. Speech absolutely valid:
"I have been in luck to be the last speaker, which I am very happy because, as they say, so tired I got a hold of. However, I know that despite the insignificance of my country not military power or political, or economic, much less atomic, you all look forward to my words because my vote depends on the success of the Greens or the Colorados.
distinguished representatives
We are moving a crucial moment Humanity is facing the humanity. We are living a historic moment in which man scientific and intellectual giant, but morally it is a pygmy.
World opinion is so deeply divided into two seemingly irreconcilable sides, and given the singular case, which is in only one vote. The vote of a weak and small scale can make the charge on one side or uploaded from elsewhere. We are, as it were, to a large scale: a plaque occupied by the Greens and other dish occupied by the Colorados. And now I come I, a featherweight as they say, and according to where I put that side will balance.
Make me the favor! ...
Do not you think that is a lot of responsibility for single citizen? Just do not think that half of humanity, whatever it may be, is condemned to live under a political and economic system that is not to your liking, just because a frivolous ambassador has voted, or that they did vote in one way or in another.
who speaks, his friend ... I ... not vote for either side (voices of protest.) And I will not vote for either side because of three reasons:
First, because again it does not seem fair that the only vote of a representative, that maybe you have liver disease, decides the fate of a hundred nations ;
Second, I am convinced that the procedures, again, I emphasize procedures of the Colorados (communist countries) are disastrous (voices of protest from the Colorado) and Third
! ... because the procedures for the Greens (United States) are not the kindest thing to say (now protesting the Greens).
And if you do not shut and I do not follow, and they will be left with the feeling of knowing what he had to say. I insist that I talk about procedures and not of ideas or doctrines. For me, all ideas are respected even if "ideational" or "ideotas" but disagrees with them. I think this man, or that another man, or this gentleman (pointing), or that the past does not think mustache anything because we slept, that does not stop us all become very close friends.
all believe that our way of being, our way of life, our way of thinking and even our modito of walking are the best, and vest it tried to impose on others and if we do not accept that they're such and a little bit and walk them at loggerheads. Do you think that's OK?
So easy that would be there if only respetásemos the lifestyle of everyone. One hundred years ago and said one of the most humble but larger of our continent: "Respect for the rights of others is peace" (applause). So I like ... not me clap, but to recognize the sincerity of my words.
I agree with everything said by the representative of Salchichonia (a reference to Germany) with humility, humbleness of non-union construction workers must strive to tear down the fence that separates us, the wall of incomprehension, the wall of mutual distrust, the wall of hatred, the day we make it we can say that we fly the wall (laughs). But the wall of ideas, so no, never!, The day we think alike and act like stop being men to become machines, automatons.
This is a grave error de los Colorados, wanting to impose by force their ideas and their system political and economic, speak of human freedom, but I ask: are these freedoms in their own countries? Claim to defend the rights of the proletariat but the workers themselves do not even have the basic right of the strike, talk of universal culture available to the masses but its writers imprisoned because they dare to tell the truth, speak of self-determination people for years yet they oppress a number of nations without letting it be given the form of government that suits them.
How can we vote for a system that speaks of dignity and immediately hit by the most sacred of human dignity is freedom of conscience eliminating or pretending eliminate God decree?
No, gentlemen, I can not be with the Reds, or rather with the way they act, respect their way of thinking, let them, but I can not give my vote so that your system is implanted by force in all countries of the earth (voices of protest) Whoever wants to be Colorado it is, but do not intend to dye it to others! - the color rose to leave the Assembly. A moment
young!, But why so sensitive? But if you can not hold anything, no, but I have not finished, take your seats. I know it is customary to leave these meetings you hear about something that is not to your liking, but I have not finished take a seat, not precipitous ... I have yet to say something about the Greens, do not you want to hear it? Sit
(go and drink water and gargle, but realizes it's Vodka).
And now, ladies and gentlemen Verdes, what do you say?:
"I voted for us", is not it, then no, young and not vote for you because you have too much blame for what happens in the world, you are also half proud, as if the world were you and others have very relative, and although they speak of peace, democracy and wonderful things, sometimes try to impose their will by force, by force of money.
I agree with you that we must fight for the collective good and individual, in combating poverty and solve the tremendous problems of housing, clothing and sustenance. But what I disagree with you is the way you try to solve these problems, you too have succumbed to materialism, they have forgotten the most beautiful spiritual values \u200b\u200bin business thinking only gradually have been becoming creditors of mankind and humanity that sees them with suspicion.
The opening day of the Assembly, the Ambassador of Lobaronia said the remedy for all our ills was to have automobiles, refrigerators, television sets, ju ... and I wonder: why do we need cars if we are walking barefoot?, why we do not have food coolers if you put in them?, why do we need tanks and weapons if we have enough schools for our children? (Applause).
We must strive for man to think of peace, but not only driven by their instinct of conservation, but mainly because the duty has to overcome and make the world an abode of peace and tranquility ever more worthy of the human species and its high destiny. But this aspiration is not possible but there is plenty for all, welfare, collective happiness and social justice. It is true that is in your hands, powerful country on earth, green and red!, The help us weak, but not gifts or loans, or military alliances.
Help us pay a fair price, more equitable for our raw materials, help us share with us their remarkable advances in science, technology ... but not to make bombs but to end hunger and poverty (applause). Help us respect our customs, our morals, our dignity as human beings and our personality as small nations and weaknesses that we, practice tolerance and true brotherhood that we know apply, but stop already treat us as mere pawns in the chess board of international politics.
Reconózcannos as we are, not only as customers or as laboratory mice, but as human beings we feel, we suffer, we cried.
gentlemen, there is another reason why I can not give my vote, exactly twenty-four hours ago I tendered my resignation as ambassador of my country, I hope I will be accepted.
result I have not spoken to you as excellence but as a citizen, as a free man, like a man anyone but you, however, create play the most yearning of all men on earth, the longing to live in peace, the yearning to be free, the desire to delegate to our children and our children's children a better world that place in good will and harmony.
And how easy would it be, gentlemen, to achieve a better world in which all white men, black, yellow and brown, rich and poor could live as brothers. If we were not so blind, so stubborn, so proud, if only rigiéramos our lives sublime words, two thousand years ago, said this humble carpenter from Galilee, simple, barefoot, with no coat or decorations:
"Love ... love one another", but unfortunately you misunderstood, confused the terms, "and what have they done?, What do they do?:" Weapon against each other. "
...". I said
Speech Cantinflas 40 years ago, supposedly to the Organization United Nations, in a film in which he played the role of ambassador. Speech absolutely valid:
"I have been in luck to be the last speaker, which I am very happy because, as they say, so tired I got a hold of. However, I know that despite the insignificance of my country not military power or political, or economic, much less atomic, you all look forward to my words because my vote depends on the success of the Greens or the Colorados.
distinguished representatives
We are moving a crucial moment Humanity is facing the humanity. We are living a historic moment in which man scientific and intellectual giant, but morally it is a pygmy.
World opinion is so deeply divided into two seemingly irreconcilable sides, and given the singular case, which is in only one vote. The vote of a weak and small scale can make the charge on one side or uploaded from elsewhere. We are, as it were, to a large scale: a plaque occupied by the Greens and other dish occupied by the Colorados. And now I come I, a featherweight as they say, and according to where I put that side will balance.
Make me the favor! ...
Do not you think that is a lot of responsibility for single citizen? Just do not think that half of humanity, whatever it may be, is condemned to live under a political and economic system that is not to your liking, just because a frivolous ambassador has voted, or that they did vote in one way or in another.
who speaks, his friend ... I ... not vote for either side (voices of protest.) And I will not vote for either side because of three reasons:
First, because again it does not seem fair that the only vote of a representative, that maybe you have liver disease, decides the fate of a hundred nations ;
Second, I am convinced that the procedures, again, I emphasize procedures of the Colorados (communist countries) are disastrous (voices of protest from the Colorado) and Third
! ... because the procedures for the Greens (United States) are not the kindest thing to say (now protesting the Greens).
And if you do not shut and I do not follow, and they will be left with the feeling of knowing what he had to say. I insist that I talk about procedures and not of ideas or doctrines. For me, all ideas are respected even if "ideational" or "ideotas" but disagrees with them. I think this man, or that another man, or this gentleman (pointing), or that the past does not think mustache anything because we slept, that does not stop us all become very close friends.
all believe that our way of being, our way of life, our way of thinking and even our modito of walking are the best, and vest it tried to impose on others and if we do not accept that they're such and a little bit and walk them at loggerheads. Do you think that's OK?
So easy that would be there if only respetásemos the lifestyle of everyone. One hundred years ago and said one of the most humble but larger of our continent: "Respect for the rights of others is peace" (applause). So I like ... not me clap, but to recognize the sincerity of my words.
I agree with everything said by the representative of Salchichonia (a reference to Germany) with humility, humbleness of non-union construction workers must strive to tear down the fence that separates us, the wall of incomprehension, the wall of mutual distrust, the wall of hatred, the day we make it we can say that we fly the wall (laughs). But the wall of ideas, so no, never!, The day we think alike and act like stop being men to become machines, automatons.
This is a grave error de los Colorados, wanting to impose by force their ideas and their system political and economic, speak of human freedom, but I ask: are these freedoms in their own countries? Claim to defend the rights of the proletariat but the workers themselves do not even have the basic right of the strike, talk of universal culture available to the masses but its writers imprisoned because they dare to tell the truth, speak of self-determination people for years yet they oppress a number of nations without letting it be given the form of government that suits them.
How can we vote for a system that speaks of dignity and immediately hit by the most sacred of human dignity is freedom of conscience eliminating or pretending eliminate God decree?
No, gentlemen, I can not be with the Reds, or rather with the way they act, respect their way of thinking, let them, but I can not give my vote so that your system is implanted by force in all countries of the earth (voices of protest) Whoever wants to be Colorado it is, but do not intend to dye it to others! - the color rose to leave the Assembly. A moment
young!, But why so sensitive? But if you can not hold anything, no, but I have not finished, take your seats. I know it is customary to leave these meetings you hear about something that is not to your liking, but I have not finished take a seat, not precipitous ... I have yet to say something about the Greens, do not you want to hear it? Sit
(go and drink water and gargle, but realizes it's Vodka).
And now, ladies and gentlemen Verdes, what do you say?:
"I voted for us", is not it, then no, young and not vote for you because you have too much blame for what happens in the world, you are also half proud, as if the world were you and others have very relative, and although they speak of peace, democracy and wonderful things, sometimes try to impose their will by force, by force of money.
I agree with you that we must fight for the collective good and individual, in combating poverty and solve the tremendous problems of housing, clothing and sustenance. But what I disagree with you is the way you try to solve these problems, you too have succumbed to materialism, they have forgotten the most beautiful spiritual values \u200b\u200bin business thinking only gradually have been becoming creditors of mankind and humanity that sees them with suspicion.
The opening day of the Assembly, the Ambassador of Lobaronia said the remedy for all our ills was to have automobiles, refrigerators, television sets, ju ... and I wonder: why do we need cars if we are walking barefoot?, why we do not have food coolers if you put in them?, why do we need tanks and weapons if we have enough schools for our children? (Applause).
We must strive for man to think of peace, but not only driven by their instinct of conservation, but mainly because the duty has to overcome and make the world an abode of peace and tranquility ever more worthy of the human species and its high destiny. But this aspiration is not possible but there is plenty for all, welfare, collective happiness and social justice. It is true that is in your hands, powerful country on earth, green and red!, The help us weak, but not gifts or loans, or military alliances.
Help us pay a fair price, more equitable for our raw materials, help us share with us their remarkable advances in science, technology ... but not to make bombs but to end hunger and poverty (applause). Help us respect our customs, our morals, our dignity as human beings and our personality as small nations and weaknesses that we, practice tolerance and true brotherhood that we know apply, but stop already treat us as mere pawns in the chess board of international politics.
Reconózcannos as we are, not only as customers or as laboratory mice, but as human beings we feel, we suffer, we cried.
gentlemen, there is another reason why I can not give my vote, exactly twenty-four hours ago I tendered my resignation as ambassador of my country, I hope I will be accepted.
result I have not spoken to you as excellence but as a citizen, as a free man, like a man anyone but you, however, create play the most yearning of all men on earth, the longing to live in peace, the yearning to be free, the desire to delegate to our children and our children's children a better world that place in good will and harmony.
And how easy would it be, gentlemen, to achieve a better world in which all white men, black, yellow and brown, rich and poor could live as brothers. If we were not so blind, so stubborn, so proud, if only rigiéramos our lives sublime words, two thousand years ago, said this humble carpenter from Galilee, simple, barefoot, with no coat or decorations:
"Love ... love one another", but unfortunately you misunderstood, confused the terms, "and what have they done?, What do they do?:" Weapon against each other. "
...". I said
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
How To Remove Hand Break/bmw E46
Comics Pages and Design
Hi folks, after another time we see around here, this time I will limit myself to show something of what I'm doing:
Hi folks, after another time we see around here, this time I will limit myself to show something of what I'm doing:
Well as you can see these are some of the logos that appear on the Companies in this story I am creating streaks, there are many companies and corporations, so I had to put me try to design some logos
these would be the first images of gamers hise that actually are not just for the principle but it is a flashback that has more or less a bit of what happened before the whole story comiensa was something like a test to see how it actually going to go paint and things like putting the dialogues that unlike what I always do this story has a lot of dialogue
this is finished but still not aver thy name if I think something or someone pulls some idea
and this is a sketch but it will fianl combertir in a design because I liked drawing as more and more every time I think locks out most accomplished, that's all for Now we're seeing people: D
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tech Deck Tournaments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Free Giant Sample Russian Bare
How to convert private debt into debt
teaching. ATTAC A video that explains it well:
How Long Does Ramipril Take To Work
Videos pubic Catalan election
The video orgasm a voter to enter your ballot in the box ... "Vote is a pleasure. " Made by the Youth of the Partit dels Socialistes:
The video orgasm a voter to enter your ballot in the box ... "Vote is a pleasure. " Made by the Youth of the Partit dels Socialistes:
And here the video game of the PP, with the Catalan candidate gull mounted on a "hunting" or shooting emigrants:
And another Alternative to Govern, "The porn video Nebrera Montserrat, who was deputy for the PP and created his own party ...
Artur Mas, has said he is sensitive and is not for this nonsense: "To excel does not need organisms or towels."
Friday, November 19, 2010
Handicap Bathtub Medicare
platitudes as I left? if I'm always going
after a very long time it did, I saw the glorious San Martin. impossible to miss, was played in court GELP, very close to home.
were there, shouting, obscenities and after a scene that was getting darker which, appeared the light and spent the last ball to the front and delirious with joy.
as hell can live the people who have no passion for a team, whatever!
PD / that ugly is the gym lane 4, long ago and I would not call the attention it neglected the state. let alone people, 50 were not on the court! that chilly at the height of the sternum
PD / Quilmes in the LNB or TNA, always remember that LTA!
after a very long time it did, I saw the glorious San Martin. impossible to miss, was played in court GELP, very close to home.
were there, shouting, obscenities and after a scene that was getting darker which, appeared the light and spent the last ball to the front and delirious with joy.
as hell can live the people who have no passion for a team, whatever!
PD / that ugly is the gym lane 4, long ago and I would not call the attention it neglected the state. let alone people, 50 were not on the court! that chilly at the height of the sternum
PD / Quilmes in the LNB or TNA, always remember that LTA!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Court Community Service Letter Template
Monday, November 8, 2010
Insurance Claim No Police Report
Hi folks, after a time in which many things happened that have nothing to do with the blogs bring some info on what I'm doing now and some of the things that hise earlier this year for some competitions, which of course ganeXD good as in my case having a hard head is a vendicion,
Well that was a mini story called batter protaginista records where a handle that did not control even his magic was to catch the worst of wanted to prove himself worthy of the name that he gave his father a wizard that ecepcional hiso story to beat all recors (of magic)
The character of the gamers that this manga Nueman trying to do is really hard having to draw mechanical things are slowly but
more players female of Revelation also come out: D
this is a drawing of rare sea hise it with my cousin in a paret both were without imagination and left two drawings that were joined and mixed if I would call ricoXD Piccaso and that is a Spike so I came out of nowhere without looking at a picture just to remember, the truth is not so bad but just apestaXD good will until the next pages will show you where to hise Keita fanzine really liked me see you!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Congratulations Latim
"La Plata Marcial
Hi everyone! I have the pleasure to invite you to the first edition of "La Plata Martial." A display of martial arts in which part 9 disciplines including Aikido martial.
will take place on Saturday 20 November at 19:30 hours in the Neighborhood Union gave the club in La Plata (9th Street between 69 and 70).
entry ... will cost $ 15 at the door and an anticipated value of $ 10, those who want access to Facebook Communicate early entry in "LA Plata Union Dojo" or visit the guestbook page www.unionlaplatadojo.com.ar. On this page you can find more information about the event. They can also communicate by mail: unionlaplatadojo@gmail.com
Hi everyone! I have the pleasure to invite you to the first edition of "La Plata Martial." A display of martial arts in which part 9 disciplines including Aikido martial.
will take place on Saturday 20 November at 19:30 hours in the Neighborhood Union gave the club in La Plata (9th Street between 69 and 70).
entry ... will cost $ 15 at the door and an anticipated value of $ 10, those who want access to Facebook Communicate early entry in "LA Plata Union Dojo" or visit the guestbook page www.unionlaplatadojo.com.ar. On this page you can find more information about the event. They can also communicate by mail: unionlaplatadojo@gmail.com
Swot For Hair Dressing In Suburban Area
are those little things down
silver center, much quilombo, 9 o'clock in the morning, they may transit, you'll put in a bad mood for a little
and suddenly you realize it's definitely for a Friday
remisse next with Soy del Potro Rodrigo cordobes the bottom.
ah, papa, you want to ask me a Fernet and out to shake his hips to the rhythm of the quartet gave me.
are always those little things that change our mood
silver center, much quilombo, 9 o'clock in the morning, they may transit, you'll put in a bad mood for a little
and suddenly you realize it's definitely for a Friday
remisse next with Soy del Potro Rodrigo cordobes the bottom.
ah, papa, you want to ask me a Fernet and out to shake his hips to the rhythm of the quartet gave me.
are always those little things that change our mood
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Should Men Wear Bandanas
nostalgia facades
today was one of those days where everything bothers you, everything goes to hell and anyone who can get annoying in some way tries to be creative and find more than one, or two or three
and of course, one is not so important in the universe to put that ass. then you realize that the brothel is on your side
and there to take care of this. the end, I understood that was what I was moody.
birthday today two people which is insulting to call friends for being so stingy to a foul. are 27 years of friendship, look at us and understand is a single act.
junin are now in and now they are all together laughing and cursing one here, in the distance.
are choices, of course, I can not even complain. it going pretty well for being so cheeky as outlined
so any claim to alleviate the issue, I put my coat champion San Martin, that with which we play together, fill my jug beer and I started to remember some things I take laughter or tears, or two at a time. but just as she always is.
my heart I want to get drunk off a mad love
more than love is pain ...
And here I come for that,
to delete old kisses kisses
in other mouths ...
If your love was "flower of a day"
cause is always my concern that cruel? I
the two
raise my glass to forget my stubbornness
and more I remember her. Nostalgia
of her laughter
and feel with my mouth
like a fire breathing. Anguish
of being abandoned and think that one on his side
soon ... talk soon love ...
I do not want to stoop,
or ask, or cry, or say
I can not live ... more From my sad solitude
see drop dead roses
my youth.
moans, bandoneon, tango your gray, you may
strikes you as a sentimental love
... My soul cries
puppet lonesome tonight,
black, starless night ...
drinks bring comfort here I am with my sorrow
to drown than once ...
my heart I want to get drunk and then can provide
"for the failures of love" ...
today was one of those days where everything bothers you, everything goes to hell and anyone who can get annoying in some way tries to be creative and find more than one, or two or three
and of course, one is not so important in the universe to put that ass. then you realize that the brothel is on your side
and there to take care of this. the end, I understood that was what I was moody.
birthday today two people which is insulting to call friends for being so stingy to a foul. are 27 years of friendship, look at us and understand is a single act.
junin are now in and now they are all together laughing and cursing one here, in the distance.
are choices, of course, I can not even complain. it going pretty well for being so cheeky as outlined
so any claim to alleviate the issue, I put my coat champion San Martin, that with which we play together, fill my jug beer and I started to remember some things I take laughter or tears, or two at a time. but just as she always is.
my heart I want to get drunk off a mad love
more than love is pain ...
And here I come for that,
to delete old kisses kisses
in other mouths ...
If your love was "flower of a day"
cause is always my concern that cruel? I
the two
raise my glass to forget my stubbornness
and more I remember her. Nostalgia
of her laughter
and feel with my mouth
like a fire breathing. Anguish
of being abandoned and think that one on his side
soon ... talk soon love ...
I do not want to stoop,
or ask, or cry, or say
I can not live ... more From my sad solitude
see drop dead roses
my youth.
moans, bandoneon, tango your gray, you may
strikes you as a sentimental love
... My soul cries
puppet lonesome tonight,
black, starless night ...
drinks bring comfort here I am with my sorrow
to drown than once ...
my heart I want to get drunk and then can provide
"for the failures of love" ...
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Good Halloween Costume On Crutches
The importance of argumentation
Newspapers The New York Times, the Washington Post and USA Today published this statement Chico Buarque, Minister of Education of Brazil, held in a U.S. university, When asked what he thought about the internationalization of the Amazon. An American at the United Nations introduced the question, saying he hoped the response of a humanist and not a Brazilian. The statement made by Mr Buarque is an overwhelming argument:
"Really, as a Brazilian, only speak against the internationalization of the Amazon. As much as our governments do not properly care for this heritage, it is ours.
As a humanist, feeling the risk of environmental degradation suffered by the Amazon, I can imagine its internationalization, as well as everything else, it is of utmost importance to mankind.
If the Amazon, from a humanistic ethic, should be internationalized, also internationalize the oil reserves in the world.
Oil is so important to the welfare of humanity as the Amazon to our future. Despite that, the owners reserves feel they have the right to increase or decrease the production of oil and its price up or not.
Similarly, the financial capital of the rich countries should be internationalized. If the Amazon is a reserve for all human beings, not be burned by the will of an owner or a country. Burn the Amazon is as serious as the unemployment caused by the arbitrary decisions of global speculators.
We can not have financial reserves serve to burn entire countries in the luxury of speculation.
Also, before Amazon, I would like to see the internationalization of the great museums of world. The Louvre should not belong only to France. Every museum in the world is the guardian of the most beautiful pieces produced by the human genius. You can not let that
cultural heritage, natural heritage as Amazon, be manipulated and destroyed for the pleasure of an owner or a country.
Not long ago, a Japanese millionaire decided to be buried along with him, a picture of a great teacher. On the contrary, this situation should have been internationalized.
During this meeting, the United Nations is pursuing the Millennium Forum, but some presidents of countries had difficulties participating due to unpleasant situations arising in U.S. border So I think that New York, as United Nations headquarters, should be internationalized. At least Manhattan should belong to all humanity. In the same way as Paris, Venice, Rome, London, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia ... each city, with its specific beauty, history of the world should belong to the world.
If the U.S. wants to internationalize the Amazon, to avoid running the risk of leaving it in the hands of Brazilians, internationalize all the nuclear arsenals. Suffice to say that they already demonstrated that they are able to use those weapons, causing destruction thousands of times greater than the unfortunate fires burning in the forests of Brazil.
In their speeches, the current candidates for president of the United States have defended the idea of \u200b\u200binternationalizing the world's forest reserves in exchange for debt.
Let's start using this debt to ensure that every child in the world has the chance to eat and go to school. Internationalize the children, treating them all no matter what country they were born, as assets that deserve care worldwide.
much more than deserves the Amazon. When leaders treat the poor children of the world as world heritage, do not let work when they should study, they die when they should live.
As a humanist, I accept defend the internationalization of the world, but while the world treats me as a Brazilian, I will fight for the Amazon is ours. Only ours! "
Newspapers The New York Times, the Washington Post and USA Today published this statement Chico Buarque, Minister of Education of Brazil, held in a U.S. university, When asked what he thought about the internationalization of the Amazon. An American at the United Nations introduced the question, saying he hoped the response of a humanist and not a Brazilian. The statement made by Mr Buarque is an overwhelming argument:
"Really, as a Brazilian, only speak against the internationalization of the Amazon. As much as our governments do not properly care for this heritage, it is ours.
As a humanist, feeling the risk of environmental degradation suffered by the Amazon, I can imagine its internationalization, as well as everything else, it is of utmost importance to mankind.
If the Amazon, from a humanistic ethic, should be internationalized, also internationalize the oil reserves in the world.
Oil is so important to the welfare of humanity as the Amazon to our future. Despite that, the owners reserves feel they have the right to increase or decrease the production of oil and its price up or not.
Similarly, the financial capital of the rich countries should be internationalized. If the Amazon is a reserve for all human beings, not be burned by the will of an owner or a country. Burn the Amazon is as serious as the unemployment caused by the arbitrary decisions of global speculators.
We can not have financial reserves serve to burn entire countries in the luxury of speculation.
Also, before Amazon, I would like to see the internationalization of the great museums of world. The Louvre should not belong only to France. Every museum in the world is the guardian of the most beautiful pieces produced by the human genius. You can not let that
cultural heritage, natural heritage as Amazon, be manipulated and destroyed for the pleasure of an owner or a country.
Not long ago, a Japanese millionaire decided to be buried along with him, a picture of a great teacher. On the contrary, this situation should have been internationalized.
During this meeting, the United Nations is pursuing the Millennium Forum, but some presidents of countries had difficulties participating due to unpleasant situations arising in U.S. border So I think that New York, as United Nations headquarters, should be internationalized. At least Manhattan should belong to all humanity. In the same way as Paris, Venice, Rome, London, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia ... each city, with its specific beauty, history of the world should belong to the world.
If the U.S. wants to internationalize the Amazon, to avoid running the risk of leaving it in the hands of Brazilians, internationalize all the nuclear arsenals. Suffice to say that they already demonstrated that they are able to use those weapons, causing destruction thousands of times greater than the unfortunate fires burning in the forests of Brazil.
In their speeches, the current candidates for president of the United States have defended the idea of \u200b\u200binternationalizing the world's forest reserves in exchange for debt.
Let's start using this debt to ensure that every child in the world has the chance to eat and go to school. Internationalize the children, treating them all no matter what country they were born, as assets that deserve care worldwide.
much more than deserves the Amazon. When leaders treat the poor children of the world as world heritage, do not let work when they should study, they die when they should live.
As a humanist, I accept defend the internationalization of the world, but while the world treats me as a Brazilian, I will fight for the Amazon is ours. Only ours! "
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entire article here. Accomplished
says the writer in his Sunday column that is fed EPS:
"Sure, every match there are people smarter, less smug, who do not know how they win or loose so many follies, not to steal and are complete, do not think they're voted on its merits and charisma, but because the devices have placed them in good position and because the voters, insane, cast the ballot of those who hate one bit less. "
entire article here. Accomplished
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ister. .. what
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"won Mr. Gómez and his supporters and did not win the Miss Trini and her supporters, that's obvious"
ister. ..
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