Thursday, May 19, 2011

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Basque lists comply with parity, but men account for the top

The Basque Institute for Women has conducted a survey of candidates for regional and local elections to see if there is a balanced participation of men and women, as marking the Basque Law 4 / 2005 for the Equality of Women and Men and the Organic Law 3 / 2007 for Effective Equality of Women and Men.

The principle of balanced participation requires that the municipalities are ready to meet a percentage of 60-40 in each section of five seats, meaning that the presence of persons of one sex does not exceed 60 percent nor be less than 40 percent.

And in the lists for general meetings there must be at least 50 percent of women and 40 percent of men in each section of six seats. Parity is met where the law requires, but most women are located in places of difficult access, far from the so-called safe seats. The trends are highlighted in the study are shared by all political parties.

In the case of applications to municipalities, the Organic Law 3 / 2007 applies only to municipalities with more than 3,000 people and mark in each section of five seats on the list has a minimum of 60-40 men and women , ie the presence of persons of one sex does not exceed 60 percent or less than 40 percent.

Moreover, in the case of General Meetings Act applies Vasca 4 / 2005 for the Equality of Women and Men in fixing that a minimum of 50 percent of women in each section of six seats and a minimum of 40 percent of men.

General Meetings

In general, all political parties have included a 50 per cent women in all lists in the first section analyzed and have rarely exceeded the minimum required by law but it must be remembered that, even if 50 percent of women as candidates, leaving no means chosen, since women are located in less accessible places such as the last two of the first tranche that is, away from the so-called safe seats. Applications electoral
General Assembly of 2011, are composed in a balanced way in the first tranche of 6 analyzed. Another issue is to look at what jobs each sex stands as 74.5 percent of sixth place in the nominations for the boards held by women, while the head of the lists is where they have the lowest percentage, fail to 40 percent.

The distribution of women by their position in the electoral roll has been a homogenization over 2007 in all positions. However, women are usually in the last two positions and have the best presence on the heads of list and second place.

Arabic, the distribution of women by their position in the electoral roll has been a significant increase of those who occupy the first place, from 2.1 percent to 11.1 percent. However, almost half of women, 46.7 percent are in the last two posts the first installment of the electoral lists.

In Bizkaia, there is a significant increase in the percentage of women in the sixth spot on the list, with 85 percent, ie there is a total feminization of the sixth. There are about 40 percent of women at the head of the electoral lists, or whatever it is, 8 women out of 20 possible.

In Gipuzkoa in any case women are more than half of the top of the list. In the second place on the other hand, it has been given a significant increase in the number of women who occupy them, going from 40 percent to more than half, with 55 percent. Municipalities

Noting the results of the three Basque provinces taken together is contemplated that the composition of the lists is exactly equal to 40 percent. Virtually all parties teetering on the threshold of parity.

In general, except for the head of list, where the percentage of women is significantly lower, 29.1 percent, the rest of the positions women are slightly above the parity line. There is a clear tendency of men to take further the top of the list, above the rest of the seats. Instead women are second followed by the fourth.

In Aruba, the presence of women as heads of candidates by political party of the 190 shows that only 45 applications analyzed, 23.9 percent are headed by women. No political party is over 35 percent of women in the composition of electoral lists. These lower rates, one third of total applications, down from 40 percent minimum imposed by the Equality Act be explained because the current electoral law affects only 4 of the 51 municipalities of Alava-Araba: Oyón, Amurrio, Llodio and Vitoria-Gasteiz.

In Bizkaia, the presence of women as head of the nominations by political parties shows that in general women occupy 31.8 per cent in the first place (are 144 women of the 453 possible). There is only one, for Lekeitio, in which the 5 political parties considered for the analysis, have chosen a woman as head of the list.

political parties include more women at the head of the electoral lists Bizkaia Bildu PSE-EE, respectively. On the other hand, the position in which most women are, in fact, the only place where there are more women than men is in the second 55.5 percent.

In Gipuzkoa, the lowest rate of women is in the forefront of the candidates, 28.4 percent, and in regard to all political parties. However, in regard to other positions, women have a similar distribution in all political parties. Moreover, all political parties have joint in the composition of electoral lists.
While two-thirds of the municipalities are not required to perform peer list, most lists are. That adds value equality laws as other tractors including of women in the lists.

However, it also highlights another issue, smaller municipalities, not mandatory, there are enough women electoral lead, perhaps precisely because of the less power they have smaller municipalities. Capital

All political parties comply with the law analyzed in the composition of the electoral candidates for election to the various capitals. However, most applications in the three capitals, including 2 women in the span of 5 posts, ie the minimum number of women imposed by law, which explains why it has decreased the number of women holding leading positions in three of the five games.

In fact, few women are at the top of the lists of electoral candidates Basque capital, the current mayor as a whole, repeated as the head of their party list. Thus, there are only two candidates with women at the top of the lists of possible 15, for Aralar for Donostia-San Sebastian and the other People's Party for Bilbao.

Conversely, if you look at the second place, this is the one with the highest rate of women who compose it, with 60 percent, or whatever it is, 9 of the 15 possible candidates.


Of the 251 existing municipalities of the three Basque Provinces, 23 women repeat at the top of their games against the 97 men who repeat mayors at the helm. On the other hand, 20 mayors give way to men as heads of list, while 23 mayors men give way to women as candidates for mayor.

Finally, 8 mayors are replaced by other women in their respective parties. The remaining 80 municipalities are men that lead to other men or municipalities not be reached.

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The turtle in the pole

A young man is walking around the village square and decides take a break.
He sits on a bench ... next there is a man older and, of course, begin to talk about the country, government, and finally on the Legislators and the like.

Mr. Young tells:
- "You know -
" some lawmakers and politicians are like a turtle on a post "

After a short time, the young man replied:
-" do not quite understand the analogy ... What does that mean, sir? "

Then the Lord explained
" If you walk through the countryside and see a turtle on top of a fencepost, balancing "
What's wrong?

Viewing the face of misunderstanding of the young, continues with his explanation:

- First: Do not understand how it got there.
- Second: You can not believe I'm there.
- Third: You know you could not have gone there alone.
- Fourth: Make sure that it should not be there.
- Fifth: You will be aware that it will not do anything useful while you are there.

"So the only sensible course would help her down."

Cuting Of Indian Churidar Pajama

Causes and reflections by José Luis Sampedro social movement "real democracy and"

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Who to vote in elections? Are

Well, just two days away from that next Sunday 22 go to the polls to cast our vote, but those who vote?

Taking the example of political fable Mouseland of Tommy Douglas, we find two large cats, the first carries since the beginning of the crisis lay in the hammock watching the crisis unfolds without interference, and when it happens intervene to discredit how bad this Spain and to encourage the market to go up the conditions for investment in the country, talk about ethics, morality and corruption of others, but do not want to see what they have at their side, can defend very While putting the police and judges solfa involved in investigations of alleged crimes and to prescribe and no guilt.

We ask us to trust them, but they only rely on the free market, deregulation of the market (the workers), and privatize everything that give benefits.

The other cat was found with a crisis that first denied and then gave us full, a crisis that came too great, with some markets that would not let him Domir and to please the markets, began a series of reform in the same direction to the detriment of mice:
  • began with the rise in taxes,
  • Elimination of 400 euros in income tax and Child Support Reform
  • 2,500 euros
  • labor has led to the dismissal free of charge and you have about 5,000,000 unemployed.
  • Freezing and pension reform jubilarce 67 years to 37 years.
  • Discount 5% of salary to civil servants.

It is high time that the mice know that we are mice, which can never become cats. Take a few minutes and think who have been with us and others have done for us, and then vote for plenty of reasons.

And you can see the video here: Mouseland political fable spread by Tommy Douglas, a prominent political activist, elected in 2004 as "The Greatest Canadian of all time." Recognized as the father of the passage of the Canadian health system to universal health care model.